O.-H. Kwon, J. Yoon, L. R. Varshney, W.-S. Jung, H. Youn, ''Suspense and surprise in technological innovation'', The 13th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications, Istanbul, Turkey, Dec. 10-12, 2024.
O.-H. Kwon, D. Lee, W.-S. Jung, H. Youn, J. Park, I. Hong, ''Urban borderland explored by the mobility divergence'', The 13th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications (poster), Istanbul, Turkey, Dec. 10-12, 2024.
O.-H. Kwon, D. Lee, W.-S. Jung, H. Youn, J. Park, I. Hong, ''Urban borderland explored by the mobility divergence'', Korean Physical Society Fall meeting (poster), Yeosu, Republic of Korea, Oct. 22-25, 2024.
D. Lee, O.-H. Kwon, I. Hong, J. Park, W.-S. Jung and H. Youn, ''Mobility Connectedness: Uncovering socioeconomic bias and connectivity in urban mobility'', 9th International Conference on Computational Social Science, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 17-20, 2023.
O.-H. Kwon, D. Lee, I. Hong, J. Park, W.-S. Jung and H. Youn, ''Mobility divergence as a window to explore local business in urban systems'', 9th International Conference on Computational Social Science, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 17-20, 2023.
S. Kang, O.-H. Kwon and W.-S. Jung, "Urban green space inequality across urban scales", 9th International Conference on Computational Social Science (poster), Copenhagen, Denmark, July 17-20, 2023.
O.-H. Kwon, J. Yoon and H. Youn, ''Is innovation suspense or surprise?'', 2nd Internation Conference on Science of Science and Innovation (poster), Chicago, USA, June 26-28, 2023.
O.-H. Kwon, I. Hong, W.-S. Jung and H.-H. Jo, "Multiple gravity laws for human mobility within cities", Korean Physical Society Spring Meeting, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, April 19-21, 2023.
S. Kang, O.-H. Kwon and W.-S. Jung, "지역 스케일에 따른 녹지와 경제 지표간의 관계 분석", Korea Academy of Complexity Studies 2022 Fall Conference, December 17, 2022.
J. Oh, O.-H. Kwon and W.-S. Jung, "Comparison of the equilibrium of boundary traffic condition in Seoul city with two commuting times", Korea Academy of Complexity Studies 2022 Fall Conference, December 17, 2022.
O.-H. Kwon, H. Kim and W.-S. Jung, "Tracing the success of the crypto arts", Korea Academy of Complexity Studies 2022 Fall Conference, December 17, 2022.
O.-H. Kwon, I. Hong, W.-S. Jung and H.-H. Jo, “Multiple gravity laws for human mobility within cities”, The 15th Asia Pacific Physics Conference, Online, Aug. 21-26, 2022.
S. B. Jo, C. U. Park, J. W. Lee, J. S Yoon and W.-S. Jung, "Revealing Role of Korean Physics Society with Keyword Co-occurrence Network", Korea Physical Society Spring Meeting, April 22, 2022.
C.-U. Park, O.-H. Kwon, J. Yoon, H. Kim and W.-S. Jung, "Doc2vec 기법을 활용한 뉴스 기사의 편향성 분석", 한국경영과학회 추계학술대회, November 26, 2021.
J. Lee, J. Yoon and W.-S. Jung, "직업 스킬 네트워크로 확인한 노동시장 구조 분석", 한국경영과학회 추계학술대회, November 26, 2021.
C.-U. Park, O.-H. Kwon, J. Yoon, H. Kim and W.-S. Jung, "Doc2vec 기법을 활용한 뉴스 기사의 편향성 분석", Korea Academy of Complexity Studies 2021 Fall Conference, November 6, 2021.
J. Lee, J. Yoon and W.-S. Jung, "직업 스킬 네트워크로 확인한 노동시장 구조 분석", Korea Academy of Complexity Studies 2021 Fall Conference, November 6, 2021. (우수논문상)
O.-H. Kwon, I. Hong, J. Yang, W.-S. Jung and H.-H. Jo, "Explaining the varying exponent of gravity model on urban landscapes", Korea Academy of Complexity Studies 2021 Fall Conference, November 6, 2021.
J, Yoon, H. Kim and W.-S. Jung, COVID-19 confines social gathering to familiar, less crowded, and neighboring urban areas, Korea Academy of Complexity Studies 2021 Fall Conference, November 6, 2021. (우수논문상)
S. Kajaku, X. Yan, J. Yoon, F. Silva, V. Lariviere and Y.-Y. Ahn. “DisamBERT: Author name disambiguation with BERT.” SciNLP, Virtual, Oct 8, 2021.
J. Yoon, D. Murray, S. kajaku, R. Cosstas, S. Milojevic, W.-S. Jung and Y.-Y. Ahn, "Unsupervised embeddings of trajectories captures the latent structure of mobility", 7th International Conference on Computational Social Science, ETH Zurich (online), July 27-31, 2021.
S. kajaku, J. Yoon, I. Constantino and Y.-Y. Ahn, "residual2vec: a bias-corrected embedding for graphs'', 7th International Conference on Computational Social Science, ETH Zurich (online), July 27-31, 2021.
J. Yoon, D. Murray, S. kajaku, R. Cosstas, S. Milojevic, W.-S. Jung and Y.-Y. Ahn, "Unsupervised embeddings of trajectories captures the latent structure of mobility'', Networks 2021, Virtual, July 5-10, 2021.
J. Yoon, H.Kim and W.-S. Jung, "Assessing the hierarchy of human urban dynamics and the effect of the external shock", Networks 2021, Virtual, July 5-10, 2021.
S. kajaku, J. Yoon and Y.-Y. Ahn, "Residual2vec: A null model approach for graph embedding'', Networks 2021, Virtual, July 5-10, 2021.
M.-J. Kim, J. Yoon, H. Kim and W.-S. Jung, "Neural embedding of research papers reveals characteristics of policy research institutes", Networks 2021, Virtual, July 5-10, 2021.
O.-H. Kwon, J. Yoon, D. Lee, H.Kim and W.-S. Jung, "Dividing marketing area from platform business data with network community detection", Networks 2021, Virtual, July 5-10, 2021.
D. Lee, J. Yoon, M.-Y. Lee, T. You and W.-S. Jung, "Impact of the hardfork on the network of Ethereum transaction: Address of genesis and miner", Networks 2021, Virtual, July 5-10, 2021.
O.-H. Kwon, J. Yoon, D. Lee, H. Kim and W.-S. Jung, "Dividing marketing area from platform business data with network community detection", 2020 한국복잡계학회 가을 컨퍼런스, Nov 28, 2020.
D. Lee, J. Yoon, M.-Y. Lee, T. You and W.-S. Jung, "Impact of the hardfork on the network of Ethereum transaction: Address of genesis and miner", 2020 한국복잡계학회 가을 컨퍼런스, Nov 28, 2020.
J. Yoon, J. Park, J. Yun, and W.-S. Jung, "The interrelationship of knowledge structure across language groups in communal dataset", NetSci 2020 (poster), Rome, Italy, September 17-25, 2020.
J. Yoon, K.-C. Yang, W.-S. Jung, and Y.-Y. Ahn, "Persona2vec : A representations learning framework for network with pervasively overlapping communitie'', NetSci 2020 (poster), Rome, Italy, September 17-25, 2020.
D. Murray, J. Yoon, S. kajaku, R. Cosstas, S. Milojevic, W.-S. Jung and Y.-Y. Ahn, "Unsupervised embeddings of organizations capture the latent structure of global scientific mobility'', NetSci 2020 (poster), Rome, Italy, September 17-25, 2020.
T. You, O.-H. Kwon, I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, "Alliance structure between UN Security Councilmembers with debates", NetSci 2020, Rome, Italy, September 17-25, 2020.
J. Yoon, K.-C. Yang, W.-S. Jung, and Y.-Y. Ahn, "Persona2vec: Embedding networks with pervasively overlapping communities'', 6th International Conference on Computational Social Science, Cambridge, USA, July 17-20, 2020.
D. Murray, J. Yoon, S. kajaku, R. Cosstas, S. Milojevic, W.-S. Jung and Y.-Y. Ahn, "Unsupervised embeddings of organizations capture the latent structure of global scientific mobility'', 6th International Conference on Computational Social Science (poster), Cambridge, USA, July 17-20, 2020.
T. You, J. Park, J.Y. Lee, J. Yun, W.-S. Jung, "Comparing Quality of Questionable Journals in Academic Ecosystem", NetSciX 2020, Jan 20-22, 2020.
M.-J. Kim, J. Yoon, W.-S. Jung, "Quantitative Analysis on Institution’s Activity in Policy Research with Embedding Method", 2019 한국복잡계학회 가을 컨퍼런스, Nov 23, 2019.
J, Lee, J. Yoon, W.-S. Jung, "Modeling the Gap between Market Shares and Preference with Simple Group Decision Model", 2019 한국복잡계학회 가을 컨퍼런스, Nov 23, 2019.
T. You, O.-H. Kwon, W.-S. Jung, "자연어 처리를 활용해 살펴본 안전보장 이사회 내에서의 국가 관계", 2019 한국복잡계학회 가을 컨퍼런스, Nov 23, 2019.
M.-Y. Lee, J. Yoon, W.-S. Jung, "난제지형도분석을 통한 이슈 별 진화패턴연구", 2019 한국기술혁신학회 추계학술대회, Nov 6, 2019
J. Yoon, J. Yun, W.-S. Jung, "The interrelationship of knowledge structure across language groups in communal dataset", 2019 Conference on Complex Systems, Oct 1, 2019.
I. Hong, M. R. Frank, I. Rahwan, W.-S. Jung, H. Youn, “Urban economies recapitulate a common trajectory”, 4th Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science, Jul 12-15, 2018
H. Kim, M. J. Hamilton, W.-S. Jung, H. Youn, "The structure of mythologies explains early human migrations out of Africa", 4th Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science, Jul 13, 2018
H. Kim, D. Kim, Y.-H. Eom, H. Jeong, W.-S. Jung, H. Youn, "Reconstructing technology space from a secret recipe of high impact innovation", 4th Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science, Jul 15, 2018
J. Yoon, J. Yun, W.-S. Jung, "Building-up the data-driven science and technology classification system with collective intelligence data", DISC 2018, Jul 5, 2018.
T. You, W.-S. Jung, "과학기술 혁신을 위한 연구성과 평가제도의 시스템 다이내믹스 분석", 아시아혁신학회 2018 정기학술대회, May 3, 2018.
J. Yoon, J. Yun, W.-S. Jung, "Building-up the subject classification system from collective intelligence for S&T innovation", 아시아혁신학회 2018 정기학술대회, May 3, 2018.
T. You, W.-S. Jung, "시스템다이내믹스로 살펴본 연구성과평가제도", 2018 대한산업공학회 춘계공동학술대회, April 5, 2018.
J. Yoon, J. Yun, W.-S. Jung, "Constructing data-driven science and technology classification system with collective intelligence", 2018 대한산업공학회 춘계공동학술대회, April 5, 2018.
H. Kim, W.-S. Jung, “Entropy analysis of MLB players’ pitching uncertainty”, 2017 한국복잡계학회 가을 컨퍼런스, Nov 25, 2017.
M.-Y. Lee, W.-S. Jung, G. Oh, , "Monitoring market resilience using order book data", 2017 한국복잡계학회 가을 컨퍼런스, Nov 25, 2017.
J. Yoon, J. Yun, W.-S. Jung, "Reconstruction of science and technology classification system with collective intelligence data", 2017 한국복잡계학회 가을 컨퍼런스, Nov 25, 2017.
M.-W. Ahn, W.-S. Jung, Mathematical description of link prediction methodology in terms of local similarity index, 2017 Korean Physical Society Fall Meeting, October 25-27, 2017
I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, H. Youn, “Who is the shepherd? Small city follows trajectory of larger cities in their economic compositions”, Conference on Complex Systems 2017, Sep 17-22, 2017.
H. Kim, D. Kim, Y.-H. Eom, H. Jeong, W.-S. Jung, H. Youn, “Building technology space from microscopic dynamics to macro structure”, Conference on Complex Systems 2017, Sep 20, 2017.
H. Kim, M. J. Hamilton, W.-S. Jung, H. Youn, “The structure of mythologies captures the human expansion out of Africa”, Conference on Complex Systems 2017, Sep 20, 2017.
M.-Y. Lee, W.-S. Jung, G. Oh, "Market resiliency to impact in market microstructure", The 19th Workshop for Statistical Physics, Aug 28-30, 2017.
I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, H. Youn, “Small city follows larger city’s trajectory in urban economy”, The 19th Workshop for Statistical Physics, Aug 28-30, 2017.
H. Kim, D. Kim, Y.-H. Eom, H. Jeong, W.-S. Jung, H. Youn, “Tracking footprints of technology combination in US patent database”, The 19th Workshop for Statistical Physics, Aug 29, 2017.
M.-W. Ahn, W.-S. Jung,, "Analytic approach for link prediction methodology " The 19th Workshop for Statistical Physics, August 28-30, 2017
T. You, M. Kwon, H.-H. Jo, W.-S. Jung, and S. K. Baek, "Chaos and unpredictability in evolution of cooperation in continuous time", 2017 Korean Physical Society Spring Meeting, Apr 19-21, 2017.
I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, H.-H. Jo, "Unifying Framework of Mobility Models on Population Landscape", 2017 Korean Physical Society Spring Meeting, Apr 19-21, 2017.
H. Kim, W.-S. Jung, "Why does Tesla Motors open its patents? Citation network approach to patent pledge", ASIALICS Korea, May 12, 2017.
M.-W. Ahn, W.-S. Jung, S. Kim, "Organizational learning with heterogeneous influence", Mini-Workshop on Social Modeling and Simulation and Hands-on Tutorial of OACIS, Mar 10-11, 2017.
H. Kim, D. Kim, Y.-H. Eom, H. Jeong, W.-S. Jung, H. Youn, "Quantifying technological innovation over a combinatorial space", APCTP 2016 Workshop on Frontiers of Physics: Push the Envelope of Statistical Physics: Econo, Social, Bio and Beyond, Dec 14, 2016.
I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, H. Youn, "Structural change in urban industry", APCTP 2016 Workshop on Frontiers of Physics: Push the Envelope of Statistical Physics: Econo, Social, Bio and Beyond, Dec 14, 2016.
B.-H. Lee, W.-S. Jung, "Complex Network Analysis of the .Urban Street Structure of Korean Cities", APCTP 2016 Workshop on Frontiers of Physics: Push the Envelope of Statistical Physics: Econo, Social, Bio and Beyond, Dec 14, 2016.
M.-Y. Lee, W.-S. Jung, G. Oh, "Understanding the market impact on the London Stock Exchange", APCTP 2016 Workshop on Frontiers of Physics: Push the Envelope of Statistical Physics: Econo, Social, Bio and Beyond, Dec 14, 2016.
M.-W. Ahn, W.-S. Jung, S. Kim, "Organizational Learning with Heterogeneous Influence: Power-influenced Rule", APCTP 2016 Workshop on Frontiers of Physics: Push the Envelope of Statistical Physics: Econo, Social, Bio and Beyond, Dec 14, 2016.
I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, H. Youn, "Structural change in urban economy through creative destruction", DISC 2016, Dec 9, 2016.
H. Kim, D. Kim, Y.-H. Eom, H. Jeong, W.-S. Jung, H. Youn, "Quantifying technological innovation over a combinatorial space", DISC 2016, Dec 9, 2016.
M.-W. Ahn, W.-S. Jung, "Revealing the structure of keyword co-occurrence network from National R&D activity in Korea", 2016 한국복잡계학회 가을 컨퍼런스, Nov 26, 2016.
M.-Y. Lee, W.-S. Jung, G. Oh, "The price impact of the order book on the London Stock Exchange", 2016 한국복잡계학회 가을 컨퍼런스 (2016 한국복잡계학회 학술대회 우수 발표상), Nov 26, 2016.
H. Kim, W.-S. Jung, "The impact of Tesla's patent pledge on the electric vehicle market", 2016 한국복잡계학회 가을 컨퍼런스, Nov 26, 2016.
J. H. Min, H. Kim, W.-S. Jung, "Analyzing systemic risk of the Korean ETF market", 2016 한국복잡계학회 가을 컨퍼런스, Nov 26, 2016.
H. Kim, W.-S. Jung, "특허인용네트워크를 활용한 테슬라 공개특허의 전기차 시장 내 영향력 추정", 2016 추계 산업공학회 (제 12회 석사논문경진대회 우수상), Nov 19, 2016.
M.-Y. Lee, M.-W. Ahn, G. Oh, W.-S. Jung, "Evolution of limit order book and the price discovery in London stock exchange", 2016 Korean Physical Society Fall Meeting, Oct 20, 2016.
I. Hong, H. Kim, W.-S. Jung, "Knowledge Structure of Nuclear Fusion Research", 2016 Korean Physical Society Fall Meeting (구두 부문 우수발표상), Oct 20, 2016.
H. Kim, I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, "Fusion of nations, fusion of disciplines: network evolution in nuclear fusion research", 2016 Conference on Complex Systems, Sep 20, 2016.
B.-H. Lee, W.-S. Jung, "Analyzing the Urban Street Networks of Korea", NetSci 2016, Jun 1-3, 2016.
M.-W. Ahn, W.-S. Jung, "Similarity Distribution Approach for Link Prediction under Random Deletion Process", NetSci 2016, Jun 1-3, 2016.
H. Kim, M. J. Hamilton, W.-S. Jung, H. Youn, "Structural patterns in world mythology and folklore", NetSci 2016, Jun 1-3, 2016.
S.-J. Ahn, H. Kim, W.-S. Jung, "Innovation system foresight using policy research database: focusing on Korea's innovation system", SOItmC & CSCOM 2016, Jun 1, 2016.
I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, H. Youn, "Creative destruction in urban economy: industrial trajectory in time and space", NetSci 2016 Satellite Meeting, May 30, 2016.
H. Kim, W.-S. Jung, "Collaboration structure in Antarctic science: Asian countries on the periphery", The 2nd Annual Conference of ASIALICS Korea 2016, Apr 29, 2016.
I. Hong, B-H. Lee, H.-H. Jo, W.-S. Jung, H. Youn, "Industrial Dynamics in Urban Areas", Application of Econophysics and Social Physics: Winter Workshop, Feb 22-23, 2016.
M.-W. Ahn, W.-S. Jung, "Distributional approach for link prediction: in the case of Common-Neighbor Index", Application of Econophysics and Social Physics: Winter Workshop, Feb 22-23, 2016.
T. You, W.-S. Jung, "Bibliometric analysis for finding equality and competition in scholar community", Physics of Social Complexity Workshop, Nov 2-4, 2015.
H. Kim, W.-S. Jung, "Complex Network Approach to National Research Activities", Physics of Social Complexity Workshop, Nov 2-4, 2015.
M.-W. Ahn, W.-S. Jung, "Analysis on the Behavior of Similarity Index in Complex Networks: The Case of Link Prediction", Physics of Social Complexity Workshop, Nov 2-4, 2015.
B.-H. Lee, W.-S. Jung, "Classification of the Street Patterns by Using Centrality Analysis", Physics of Social Complexity Workshop, Nov 2-4, 2015.
I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, "Gravity and Radiation Models for the Korean Bus Network", Physics of Social Complexity Workshop, Nov 2-4, 2015.
I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, "Comparison of Traffic Models for the Korean Bus System", 2015 Korean Physical Society Fall Meeting, Oct 22, 2015.
I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, "Gravity and Radiation Models for Intra-Urban Mobility by the Korean Urban Bus System", The 18th Workshop for Statistical Physics, Aug 21, 2015.
H. Kim, W.-S. Jung, "The role of geography and research station in Antarctic science collaboration network", The 18th Workshop for Statistical Physics, Aug 21, 2015.
M.-W. Ahn, W.-S. Jung, "Complex network analysis for the Korean national R&D activity in terms of research keyword", The 18th Workshop for Statistical Physics, Aug 20, 2015.
H. Yang, W.-S. Jung, "Measuring Thematic Causality for Public Research Institutions", SOItmC & KCWS 2015, Jun 16, 2015.
M.-W. Ahn, W.-S. Jung, "Network Analysis for the Korean National R&D Development", SOItmC & KCWS 2015, Jun 16, 2015.
H. Kim, T. You, S.-J. Ahn, W.-S. Jung, "Predicting Future Issues with the Keyword Network of National Policy Research", SOItmC & KCWS 2015, Jun 16, 2015.
H. Yang, W.-S. Jung, "Managing Research Portfolios From A Complex Systems Perspective", 24th International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT) 2015, Jun 09, 2015.
B.-H. Lee, W.-S. Jung, "Complex Network Analysis of the Korean Urban Street Structure", 2015 Korean Physical Society Spring Meeting, Apr 22, 2015.
I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, "Application of the Gravity and Radiation Models on the Korean Urban Bus Network", 2015 Korean Physical Society Spring Meeting, Apr 22, 2015.
T. You, W.-S. Jung, "기초연구 우수성과의 파급효과 분석", 2015 춘계 대한산업공학회, Apr 9, 2015.
M.-W. Ahn, W.-S. Jung, "Predicting the performance of similarity index via leave-one-out method", Social Modeling and Simulations + Econophysics Colloquium 2014, Nov 4, 2014.
B.-H. Lee, W.-S. Jung, "Centrality in urban street networks of Korea: from classification to model", Social Modeling and Simulations + Econophysics Colloquium 2014, Nov 4, 2014 .
I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, "Statistical Analysis and Modeling of the Korean Urban Bus Network", Social Modeling and Simulations + Econophysics Colloquium 2014, Nov 4, 2014.
M.-W. Ahn, W.-S. Jung, "Prediction of the performance of the similarity index with leave-one-out method: Model study and empirical application", 2014 Korean Physical Society Fall Meeting, Oct 23, 2014.
B.-H. Lee, W.-S. Jung, "Centrality analysis in street networks of Korea: from classification to model", 2014 Korean Physical Society Fall Meeting, Oct 23, 2014.
I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, "Network Modeling of the Korean Urban Bus Network", 2014 Korean Physical Society Fall Meeting, Oct 23, 2014.
B.-H. Lee, I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, "Complex Network Analysis of the Korean Transportation Network", The 15th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, Oct 12-15, 2014.
B.-H. Lee, I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, O. Kwon, "Statistical Properties of the Korean Transportation Network as a Complex Network", European Conference on Complex Systems '14, Sep 23, 2014.
M.-W. Ahn, W.-S. Jung, "Predicting the performance of the similarity index: the leave-one-out method", Application of Econophysics and Social Physics: Summer Workshop, Aug 22, 2014.
B.-H. Lee, W.-S. Jung, "Centrality analysis in the Korean street networks: from classification to model", Application of Econophysics and Social Physics: Summer Workshop, Aug 22, 2014.
I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, "Network Analysis of the Urban Bus System in Korea", Application of Econophysics and Social Physics: Summer Workshop, Aug 22, 2014.
T. You, W.-S. Jung, "Gini Index와 Herfindahl-Hirshman Index를 활용한 학자사회의 불평등 구조 점검", Application of Econophysics and Social Physics: Summer Workshop, Aug 22, 2014.
M.-W. Ahn, W.-S. Jung, "국가연구개발사업의 중복성 분석 : 사업 네트워크를 중심으로", 제 8회 복잡계 컨퍼런스, Nov 16, 2013.
B. Lee, W.-S. Jung, "네트워크 이론을 통한 도로망 분석: 매개중심성을 이용한 포항과 창원의 교통 혼잡 지역 예측", 제 8회 복잡계 컨퍼런스, Nov 16, 2013.
I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, "시내버스 네트워크를 통해 본 한국 도시 구조", 제 8회 복잡계 컨퍼런스, Nov 16, 2013.
B. Lee, W.-S. Jung, "Investigation of Road Networks in Two Korean Cities: Pohang and Changwon", The 17th Workshop for Statistical Physics, Nov 2, 2013.
I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, "Intra-City Bus Network Analysis on the Korean Cities for Understanding Urban Structures", The 17th Workshop for Statistical Physics, Nov 2, 2013.
M.-W. Ahn, W.-S. Jung, "Network structure of National R&D activity in Korea in terms of research program", The 17th Workshop for Statistical Physics, Nov 2, 2013.
M.-W. Ahn, W.-S. Jung, "Network structure of National R&D activity in Korea in terms of research program", Korean Physical Society 2013 Fall Meeting, Oct 31, 2013.
B. Lee, W.-S. Jung, "Investigation of Road Networks in Two Korean Cities: Pohang and Changwon", Korean Physical Society 2013 Fall Meeting, Oct 31, 2013.
I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, "Intra-City Bus Network Analysis on the Korean Cities for Understanding Urban Structures", Korean Physical Society 2013 Fall Meeting, Oct 31, 2013.
W.-S. Jung, "Complex network analysis of social data in Korea", Econophysics Colloquium 2013 & Asia Pacific Econophysics Conference 2013, Jul 31, 2013.
M.-W. Ahn, W.-S. Jung, "Network Structure of National R&D Activity in Korea", Econophysics Colloquium 2013 & Asia Pacific Econophysics Conference 2013, Jul 30, 2013.
B. Lee, W.-S. Jung, "Prediction of Congestion Sites in Pohang", Econophysics Colloquium 2013 & Asia Pacific Econophysics Conference 2013, Jul 30, 2013.
I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, "Intra-city Bus Network in Korean Mid-size Cities", Econophysics Colloquium 2013 & Asia Pacific Econophysics Conference 2013, Jul 30, 2013.
I. Hong, "Investigation on Intra-city Bus Network in Cheongju", The 5th International Symposium on IT Convergence Engineering, Jul 11-12, 2013.
B. Lee, "Roads Network in Pohang", The 5th International Symposium on IT Convergence Engineering, Jul 11-12, 2013.
M.-W. Ahn, "Link Prediction on Network Model using Random Deletion", Asia-Pacific Econophysics Conference 2012, Sep 5, 2012.
W.-S. Jung, "Statistical Analysis on the Korean Transportation System", American Physical Society March Meeting 2012, Feb 28, 2012.
W.-S. Jung, "Multifractal Analysis of Asian Foreign Exchange Markets and Financial Crisis", American Physical Society March Meeting 2012, Feb 27, 2012.
W.-S. Jung, "Complexity behavior in the Korean social system", Physics and Complexity in Society, Feb 2-4, 2012.
W.-S. Jung, "Complexity analysis on the Korean system: Financial market as an emerging market and transportation system as complex systems", International Conference on Econophysics, Jun 5, 2011.
W.-S. Jung, "Econophysics Activities in Korea", Horizons in Emergence and Scaling, Mar 18-19, 2011.
W.-S. Jung, "Physics and Social System", First Workshop on Quantitative Finance and Economics, Feb 21-23, 2011.
W.-S. Jung, "Statistical analysis of the Korean transportation system", Econophysics Colloquium 2010, Nov 4-6, 2010.